It is sometimes said that gratitude is the least felt of all the human emotions. Why is that? We know down deep in our know-ers that a grateful heart is the key that unlocks real contentment right here right now. And yet, it remains just outside of our reach, kind of like my crazy cat Richie, who sometimes escapes from the house and then runs immediately under the deck, planting himself just an inch beyond my outstretched hand which, by the way, holds a taste of his favorite food or a favorite treat. Yes, the same treats he begs for ALL. DAY. LONG. It makes no sense.
I’m always drawn to the stories of people who have somehow managed to grab the golden ring of gratitude and actually hang on to it. I first heard about Ed Dobson several years ago through his video “It Ain’t Over,” just as my friend Jennifer’s mother, Peggy, was starting her own arduous uphill battle through ALS. (If you missed Jennifer’s beautiful post last week, you can see it here.) I checked out the video, mostly thinking that it might be something I could share with Jennifer to encourage her and her family, but found myself profoundly impacted by his honest take on his own situation. He had tapped into a wellspring of hope, reached only by the deepest roots that tend to flourish in the midst of suffering. I have continued to follow this remarkable man’s journey as it is chronicled in his ongoing series of short videos. Having lived with ALS now for over a decade, it’s safe to say that he and his wife know suffering in an everyday-BFF-kind-of-way. And still, they remain grateful.
Good daughters often wear caregiver hats for many months or years and, over time, the relentless grind sucks out our joy, leaving us anything BUT grateful. We somehow convince ourselves that we’ll get it back once we return to the “regularly scheduled programming” that our parent has so rudely interrupted. Nice dream.
A sense of gratitude doesn’t magically reappear once circumstances fall into line with our expectations for a happy life. Click here to view the free trailer for Ed’s video “Grateful.” Then please consider renting or downloading the whole 9-minute video. (I purchased the entire bundle of all his videos.) Because, honestly, I couldn’t have said it better.
Plant your feet on the firm foundation of gratitude each morning as you open your eyes and swing your feet over the edge of the bed to the floor, breathing “thank you.”
“He woke me up this morning
He started me on my way
The Lord is blessing me
Right now.”